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Nerd of the Rings
1,210,000 Subscribers
The History of Valinor | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
Scatha & the Cold-drakes | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
Collecting Tolkien Books on a Budget
Nerd of the Rings
The History of the Blue Mountains | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
The Raven Helm of Thorin Oakenshield
Nerd of the Rings
What if Gandalf Stays Dead? | Tolkien Theory
Nerd of the Rings
Nerd of the Rings 5th Anniversary Stream! Building LEGO Bara
Nerd of the Rings
The History of Mirkwood | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
Morgoth's Strongholds: Utumno & Angband | Tolkien Ex
Nerd of the Rings
Ungoliant, Shelob, & the Spiders of Middle-earth [Compil
Nerd of the Rings
The Seven Stars of Middle-earth | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
The HUGE Witch-king of Angmar Statue by Darkside Collectible
Nerd of the Rings
The Stewards of Gondor | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
Brandon Sanderson talks Tolkien, Fantasy, & Potential Co
Nerd of the Rings
Daniel Reeve talks Middle-earth calligraphy, cartography, &a
Nerd of the Rings
The Female Warriors of Middle-earth | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
War of the Rohirrim filmmaker interviews
Nerd of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim (Non-Spoiler)
Nerd of the Rings
The Life of Father Christmas (Santa Claus) | Beyond Arda
Nerd of the Rings
Éomer, King of Rohan | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
The Wizard King of Númenor | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
New Rivendell piece from Alan Lee for @TheFolioSociety The H
Nerd of the Rings
The Dunlendings & Dunland | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
Alan Lee talks The Hobbit, Folio Society, and War of the Roh
Nerd of the Rings
Alan Lee painted in a power outage [INTERVIEW PREVIEW]
Nerd of the Rings
Huan, The Hound of Valinor | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
The Dragons of Middle-earth [COMPILATION]
Nerd of the Rings
"The Rider" by Paris Paloma from The War of the Ro
Nerd of the Rings
Gandalf's Secret Fight for Frodo | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
War of the Rohirrim Visual Companion Exclusive Sneak Peek
Nerd of the Rings
War of the Rohirrim NYCC 2024 Interviews!
Nerd of the Rings
The Unseen World | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
What is Middle-earth Canon? | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
JD Payne & Patrick McKay talk Rings of Power Season 2 an
Nerd of the Rings
Charles Edwards talks Celebrimbor in The Rings of Power
Nerd of the Rings
Gandalf's First Mission (as Olórin) | Tolkien Explained
Nerd of the Rings
Robert Aramayo talks Elrond in The Rings of Power
Nerd of the Rings
Rings of Power Season 2 FINALE BREAKDOWN
Nerd of the Rings
Charlie Vickers talks Sauron in The Rings of Power
Nerd of the Rings
Viggo Mortensen talks The Dead Don't Hurt, Westerns, Mid
Nerd of the Rings
The Life of Celebrían (Elrond's Wife) | Tolkien Explaine
Nerd of the Rings
Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 7 BREAKDOWN
Nerd of the Rings
Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 7 WATCH PARTY
Nerd of the Rings
The Fellowship of the Ring: Trick-taking Game with designer
Nerd of the Rings
Tales of the Shire - First 90 Minutes of Gameplay!
Nerd of the Rings
The Complete History of the Rings of Power [COMPILATION]
Nerd of the Rings
#AD Tune In and Takeout with Grubhub!
Nerd of the Rings
Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 6 BREAKDOWN
Nerd of the Rings
Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 6 WATCH PARTY
Nerd of the Rings
The Doors of Durin Environment Statue | Wētā Workshop Unboxi
Nerd of the Rings